The New You

It’s that time of year once more when everybody is setting out New Year’s Resolutions and regrettably it won’t be long till a majority of people begin breaking them. There are numerous reasons why New Year Resolutions don’t stick- they may be...

Christmas Promotion

XMAS IS HERE AT  focus on physio  Take control of your life and health through regular exercise prescribed by our dynamic  Physiotherapy team!  Our aim is for you to enjoy being ACTIVELY HEALTHY and WELL.  So take advantage of our limited “ XMAS SPECIAL” offer....

Business as usual

As we are an Essential Healthcare practice, we are open through Covid-19, 3 day Lockdown! We are following the Covid-19 restrictions in accordance with the Queensland Health guidelines and is business as usual. A face mask must be worn on entry into our practice but...

Knee Injuries

Knee Injuries Knee pain or knee injuries are extremely common, and there are many causes. The knee needs to function properly to provide flexible mobility while bearing considerable weight. While walking down the street, our knees bear three to five times our body...

Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash Injuries Whiplash is a non-medical term describing a range of head and neck injuries resulting from an acceleration-deceleration mechanism of energy transfer to the neck. These forces may result in painful injuries to the muscles, ligaments and joints of the...