Stretch of the month – February 2017

Chin Tuck Stretch This gentle stretch can help alleviate the aches associated with tight muscles around the neck and upper back. This can be done first thing in the morning, as well as during breaks at work to help minimise tightness and decrease the potential of...

Stretch of the month

Finger Stretch Rubber band exercises are a great way for strengthening the finger extensors muscles; Place a rubber band around your fingers and thumb. Gently spreads your fingers apart as far as possible. Relax your fingers, then repeat 10 times. This can be done on...

Stretch of the month

While seated or standing, rotate your shoulders backward and down in the largest circle you can make. This opens the chest, counteracting the rounded shoulders that are common among pregnant women.


Spine Stretch Sit on the floor with your feet wider than your hips, nod your head forward and begin to bend forward by hinging at the hips. Breathe normally. As you go down, draw your chin into your neck. Your hands should not reach past your toes, you’re not aiming...

Stretch of the month

STRETCH OF THE MONTH Shoulder Rolls Stretch Stretching your shoulders can feel good, especially for those of us who spend long hours hunched over a computer. Roll the shoulders down and back, starting with small circles and working up to larger circles. Do 10 circles...

Stretch of the month

Stretch of the Month    Upper Back Stretch Seated or standing, stretch the arms straight out and rotate the hands so that the palms face away from each other. Cross the arms so that the palms are pressed together, contract the abs and round the back, reaching away as...